제트카 - zcar

by Cheonu Partners

Auto & Vehicles


Z-CAR is a carbon-friendly innovation platform that contributes to reducing carbon emissions in the transportation sector. By utilizing big data and artificial intelligence technology, we provide drivers who practice eco-driving with optimal fuel-efficient driving methods and reduce carbon emissions.Reduced carbon emissions are managed through blockchain ledger and provided as carbon reduction points. The issued points can be used to purchase and discount various ESG products within the platform.Z-CAR is working toward a more sustainable future through reducing carbon emissions and driving in an ecologically friendly manner.Key features of the Z-CAR app- Collection and analysis of driving habits and vehicle condition information- Provide feedback to improve driving habits- Providing carbon emissions measurement and driving habits- Notification of inspection of consumables and abnormal signs- Spreading an eco-friendly driving culturePractice ecological driving and reduce carbon emissions through the Z-CAR app. Earn eco-friendly points through driving habits for a better environment, and participate in carbon data trading in the WEB 3.0 era.